[General DNI]

  • Anyone who fakeclaims systems without being a trained professional or having OSDDID

  • Anyone who disrespects people who age regress, age sliders, syskids, or the like

  • Anyone who is racist, transphobic, homophobic, or xenophobic

  • People who infantilize autistic people or are rude to nonverbal and semiverbal people

  • Supporter of trump, autism speaks, the salvation army, or peta

  • People who enjoy problematic media without being critical of what they are enjoying

  • Anyone who disrespects triggers for any reason it doesn't matter your reason get away from us, selfish asshat

  • Anyone who says dereality inducing shit

[On PonyTown]

  • Carson and Swagger skins dni unless we do first

  • DNF, SkepHalo, and KarlNapIty shippers (unless we interact first, y'all are just super annoying tbh)

  • Trolls

  • People who talk shit about our sibling and partner systems

  • Large groups of people

  • People who just start drama for fun

  • People under 16 (Get off the 18+ server)

System Info

  • We are endophobic so if you are an endo or an endo supporter please leave us alone

  • We're polyfragmented

  • We don't like putting DID terms in our PT names so our patreon link is the only indicator of us being a system

  • We physically are over 18

  • We've been diagnosed since 2022 and have been in treatment for six years

  • We're autistic and tone indicators help us

  • If you wanna add us on Simply Plural our id on there is MirrorAndCompany! Whisp us if you want our discord

  • Also we afk a lot! So if you need something feel free to whisper us

Ayo I'm Schlatt

  • I'm either 22 or 27 you have to guess

  • I'm introjected from a weird combination of SMPLive, DSMP, and just Schlatt content in general

  • I go non and semi verbal sometimes

  • I'm Bisexual and Polyamourous

  • Fictives from DSMP and SMPLive are free to interact but just don't be weird please

  • I use he/him pronouns

  • I helped a lot of people in our system make skins (Bruno, Ted, Tommy for example)

  • If you don't want to call me Schlatt I also go by Jonathan (my first name), Caramel, and Latte. Saying this specifically to the asshats who keep telling me I'm not separated enough from my source and that I need to change my name :skull:

bro strider? real?

  • Gee Mirror System how come you get two hosts?

  • Sup I'm problematic host #2

  • You can call me Dirk if you really want but I mostly go by Bro

  • I am 27

  • I usually type in all lowercase with minimal punctuation (but for the sake of the carrd I'm typing like a normal person)

  • I go semi and non verbal sometimes

  • I use he/him pronouns

  • Yee haw

  • I'm gay :penis:

  • Dave kins, D/As, and fictives please ati

  • I have a boyfriend weird isn't it how I have more ass than you

  • I also have lots of found family in general


  • Symptom Holder

  • Originally a fictive of Aizawa

  • Might have trouble speaking to people

  • Doesn't like touch

  • Anxious around source mates

  • Uses he/him

  • Doesn't like random people talking about his source to him

Ted Mosby

  • Romance Holder

  • Very Sappy

  • Will talk about the meaning of life with you

  • Mr. No Sourcemates

  • 100% has no idea how pt works

  • Still getting used to the internet in general

  • Uses he/him


  • Protector

  • HTF anyone

  • Sourcemates DNI

  • Doesnt have a skin on pt

  • Uses he/him

  • Gets angry pretty easily

  • He's secretly super nice though

  • Furry /hj

  • Eats almost exclusively fish when he fronts


  • Social Alter

  • Fictive from Realicide

  • Pretty outgoing and friendly

  • Good at cooking

  • Ignores our citrus allergy

  • He/Him pronouns, but is curious about neos

  • Likes the beach in Pony Town

  • Malewife and Himbo


  • Protector

  • Loves mlp

  • Favorite pony is Rarity

  • Very bad at talking to new people

  • Fictive from homestuck

  • Uses he/him

  • Trying his best

  • Uses his quirk in Pony Town

  • Likes cuddles in game

Sollux Peixes

  • Anger Holder

  • Cranky fish

  • Uses he/him

  • From a bloodswap homestuck au

  • Under da sea under da sea

  • Tavros<> Eridan<3<

  • Monsters Vs Aliens stan


  • Caregiver

  • Confused about technology

  • Will probably cry if you are mean to him

  • An introject

  • Refuses to curse out of principal

  • Collects craft supplies we don't use

  • Loves cuddles and kisses in game

  • Very GNC


  • Caregiver

  • Honk :0)

  • Bad at identifying feelings

  • Boops anyone who will let him

  • Shoplifts

  • Simultaneously has zero chill and all the chill

  • Karkrab <>

  • Will drop his quirk if its making you uncomfortable

  • He/Him and Honk/Honks

Mr Hyde

  • Protector

  • Local arsonist

  • Hyper 24/7

  • Fictive from The Glass Scientists

  • Uses He/Him

  • Not afraid of trolls

  • Would bite you irl

  • From 1856 so if he's more progressive than you maybe figure your life out


  • Yeash how many of these bastards did we split /hj

  • Protector

  • Angry and small

  • Very talkative

  • Would probably argue with you


  • So no he's not yelling at you hes just talking in caps

  • Gets easily annoyed by source mates so be warned

  • Probably uncomfortable

  • He/Him pronouns


  • Caregiver

  • Wants to try PT but is worried people will judge her on there

  • Likes the bunny patch for obvious reasons

  • Uses she/they

  • Fictive from MLP

  • Up to meet sourcemates

  • Can get panic attacks from confrontation

  • Given the nickname Lavender Latte on PT


  • Protector/Symptom holder

  • Fictive of a fan version of revived schlatt

  • He/They pronouns

  • Very in love with Q from Circus System

  • Dog moment

  • He has a "puppy" skin this is not to be confused with anything sexual or with age regression

  • Doesn't like being touched but if you're a troll he'll likely ignore you instead of moving


  • Personal Caregiver (host)

  • Doesn't front much unless it's to be with Jonathan (host,schlatt)

  • But when he is he's very nice

  • Fictive from DSMP

  • Actually played PT before Jonathan did

  • He gets frustrated making skins though

  • Has mild touch discomfort

  • Uses He/Him and They/Them


  • A child

  • Middle alter and social alter

  • Fictive from DSMP

  • Louder than Karkat and that's saying something

  • Roleplays sometimes

  • Uses he/him

  • Did anyone order ADHD?

  • Dream fictives, D/As, and kins please DNI with him

  • Any other sourcemates are ok as long as they aren't weird


  • Middle alter and trauma processor

  • Fictive from DSMP

  • Listens to lemon demon on loop

  • Hoards genders and pronouns

  • Any pronouns for them are fine

  • Tubbos dont be weird around him challenge

  • Doesn't like touch

  • Very shy and anxious

[Groups And Affiliations]

  • Retired Mod of The Bee Battalion!(TBB) (wiki here)

  • Teco Tree: A group in mcyt area on the 18+ PT who sit on this side of the cliffs \/\/\/

Family, Friends, and Partners

  • Circus System - Partner System, love you guys so much you mean the world to us, we're so lucky to have you!

  • House of Corpses - Sibling System, Our lovely little sibling! We love being your older brother system so much.

  • Jevbbers - Family System >:) Babying you as we speak.

  • Rave System - Partner System <3 <3 you guys warm our heart please we adore you.

  • Heaven's Inn - Family System, beloved ring ring meow meow, we love you guys sm <3 /fam

  • Solar Flare - Partner System, we love these bastards they goofy asf

  • Cat Cafe - Partner System, imagine being fruity with people could be us with you

  • Locked Letters - Family System, we are the same person omg :)!!

  • Cupid's Pie Shop - Family System!! <3 You guys are cool, holding you up like simba